Hello and welcome to Broken Barrier Leather! A small business located in Jordan, Montana that strives for quality over quantity. Being able to express yourself is important! Therefore, I like to spend the time ensuring you are able to find the right leather piece; whether it is home décor, a makeup bag, or a purse. No job is too big or too small. We offer both in-stock items as well as custom items. Please take a look around! If you don’t see what you are looking for feel free to contact us!
And so it began
Who knew a concept of a business could be built over a cup of coffee? My dream behind this business goes back to Thanksgiving 2014, over a cup of coffee with my to be father-in-law, a boot maker, who made the comment that he was backed up with work and could use help sewing. I jokingly (but seriously) stated that I would be interested! After all, winters in Jordan tend to be cold, windy and long! In the spring he showed up with a few machines and told me to “figure out how to use them,” and so I did just that. In February 2015, I made my first purse. Fast forward to December 2016, I clocked in for the last time and went on to pursue the dream that you see before you.
So what is in a name?
I think we have all had it drilled into our brains that the only way to make a living is to go to college, get a degree and make a career out of it. I went to college, have several degrees and was all but happy with sitting 40 hours a week inside an office at a desk. For several years I fought myself, believing that the only way to make a living was to keep doing what I was doing, but my heart told me otherwise. To me, the expectations set before me by my family and my colleagues made it seem impossible to mentally accept that I could indeed make a living as an entrepreneur. With the support of my husband, I was able to take the leap of faith and break the barrier that was holding me back. And there, my name was born.
Wholesale is currently not offered. However, if in the future wholesale is available, information will be provided here.